About Restaurantsheaven

Changing the Restaurant World!

Our revolution seeks to break down barriers, limitations, misconceptions, or stereotypes which stand in the way of how people should perceive the restaurant industry. By  bringing transparency to all aspects of this industry, we'll change the way things have been done for centuries.
Zho is the founder behind this idea, is also the director of Production at Restaurants Heaven. Her in dept understanding and unconventional approach to the industry, creates an outlet to a new and exciting world of how restaurants are viewed.
Zhenya's roots in the restaurant service, comes from years of working in the industry. She has seen and personally experienced what many restaurant owners and workers face everyday, and intends to make a difference by creating a Restaurant Community where everyone can find inspiration, true stories, training, support, ideas, and love for the work they do!

"WE have the POWER To CHANGE LIVES! It's just a matter of SHOWING UP and APPLYING YOURSELF!"


Zhenya Miteva