Friday, January 20, 2012

Time management tips for restaurant entrepreneurs

 For restaurant owners who have more than one business, time management is of the utmost importance. Find out how this tips can help you as a restaurant owner oversee your restaurant businesses and still find time for your personal life.
1. Keep a day to day to do list of your daily tasks close at hand by syncing your list with all your
devices like your phone, pad, or laptop. You can even share your list with your employees to make sure they are on the same page as you.
2. Set weekly goals for each of your restaurant businesses to make sure you are not neglecting any of them. Then you can organize your weekly schedule around achieving your goals.
3. Limit your time on the phone or in meetings by for example creating training videos for your stuff.
4. Thoroughly train your top people. To ensure you can trust your top employees to make the right decisions when you are absent, spent some time and personally train them how to run your restaurant.
5. Schedule personal time just like you would an important business meeting. An hour of personal time a day whether it's going for a walk or reading, can boost your productivity or even inspire some of your best ideas before you return to work.