Wednesday, November 9, 2011

4 Free chat services for restaurant owners

 Are you in the process of expanding your restaurant or working with clients or suppliers in different states and looking for ways as a restaurant owner to save on costly telephone bills? Then this 4 free chat services are for you which are not only going to save you money but will also give you the opportunity of a real time dialogue.
1. Skype- offers video and audio conferencing as well as instant messaging system
2. Gmat- great chat service that allows to check in with your employees through out the day rather than schedule individual meetings. Fantastic advice for user messaging, calling or video conferencing as long as everyone on your team uses Gmail.
3. Facebook chat services- good for quick chats rather than formal meetings but an excellent free chat tool.
4. Google+  - allows a unique chat function with Hangouts where limited number of users can sign into a hangout to share ideas and conferences.
 Let the savings begin!

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