Friday, September 30, 2011

Are your restaurant's meetings successful?

 Even the most successful restaurants sometimes need help when it comes to conducting constructive monthly meetings. If you been there then you know, how important it is to resolve any outstanding problems without putting your team down. Below are seven ideas on how to make your restaurant meeting successful.
1. Open the meeting in a friendly nonjudgmental manner and restate the purpose of the meeting.
2. Get an agreement. If a problem exists recognize the nature of the issue and agree the problem exists.
3. Explore ideas and brainstorm ways the issues can be improved or corrected.
4. Make debates and discussions transparent.
5. Commit to action.
6. Handle excuses.
7. Provide productive feedback.
 Overall as long as you keep learning and improving from previous conducted meetings at your restaurant, you'll be on your way to success.

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