Friday, September 9, 2011

Fifteen tips on how to boost employee morale in your restaurant

 In this uncertain times some restaurant owners are trying to do more with less which undoubtedly can kill workers morale. Find out what can make your restaurant employees happy again that cost a lot less than any free gifts or food.
1. Create a safe environment- you want your employees to feel safe they can share with you any concerns or feedback.
2. Don't forget to say thank you- a hand written note from you explaining exactly what they do that you like can go a long way.
3. Reward good performance- don't wait until monthly meetings or performance evaluations to tell your employees they are doing something well.
4. Communicate change properly- in a ask/assertive way instead of tell/assertive way make your workers part of the change by asking input of the best way for example of how to get from point A to point B.
5. Change the way you think about your employees- instead of wasting time searching how long your employees spend on Facebook or if they are stealing from you, concentrate your efforts on what they are doing right and tell them every once in a while.
6. Empower employees to be able to solve problems using your guidelines.
7. Structure and focus on action- put yourself in your workers shoes and group similar various task together to maximize and allow enough focus to complete each task.
8. Show your employees they make a difference at their job- encourage customers to share inspiring stories about your employees.
9. Celebrate accomplishments- take the time to show your employees how much they have done through the year which will make them appreciate the work they do.
10. Instigate healthy competition- departing from customary routines can make a world's difference. Designate a day for all your employees where they can hold a tournaments, play and compete against each other where they can come up with their team names, t-shirts, or team songs.
11. Train employees to develop positive attitudes- you can watch and discuss inspiring videos and how they relate to your particular restaurant culture.
12. Mix the usual way of doing things- you don't have to always have your employee meetings at the same place instead you can hold them at a cafe or take your whole team to the park.
13. Offer time away to do some good- community service can make a difference. You can offer your workers a few paid hours each quarter to volunteer to a charitable organization of their choice.
14. Encourage peer to peer recognition- you can post the pictures of the nominated workers for the month around the restaurant or you can give them points they can collect in order to receive a trophy for the best employee of the year.
15. Collaborate ideas- have your employees write down the goals they have for the restaurant for the year. Then give your employees the opportunity to vote for the top ten goals for your restaurant.
 Remember, make it known who is in charge but also strive to create a place where your restaurant employees are not afraid to ask you questions.

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